Online:Yokeda Rok'dun

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Yokeda Rok'dun
Location Hel Ra Citadel
Race Redguard Gender Male
Health Normal6,134,864Veteran20,957,576 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Anka-Ra
Condition Undead
Yokeda Rok'dun

Yokeda Rok'dun is a Redguard Anka-Ra warrior encountered on the left path of the Hel Ra Citadel.

He is accompanied by Enraging Welwas, which he will reanimate if they die. He is one of two possible second bosses that the team will face in the trial, the other being Yokeda Kai.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

Arrow Shot
A basic ranged attack dealing moderate physical damage.
Fire Bomb
Yokeda Rok'dun throws a fire bomb at you, exploding for very high flame damage and high damage over time. Multiple fire trails also shoot out in all directions from the explosion.
Yokeda Rok'dun dashes over to a dead welwa and revives it. After reanimating one, more welwas start appearing in the arena.
Wrath of Yokeda
If the group fighting Yokeda Kai up top is defeated, flares of bright light not unlike those produced during The Warrior's Shehai Storm will rain down from the sky, causing the group fighting Yokeda Rok'dun to wipe.


Before battle
"Unleash our Ra Gada against the intruders! Crush them as we did the Nedes of old!"
When approached by the group
"For the Warrior Celestial, we claim your lives!"
"Your neck isn't worthy of the master's blade. Come—burn in my flame."
When engaged in combat
During battle
"Our fire burns anew!"
"Fire bests the sharpest blade!"
"Flames of Yokuda take you!"
"Burn in our rekindled fury!"
Reviving a welwa
"Rise from the ashes!"
"Heed Yokuda's call!"
"A dying flame rekindled!"
"The slumbering beast awakens!"