Online:The Dragonguard's Legacy
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Quick Summary: written by Vyraesi, checked by MolagBallet
Quest Stages: written by Talyyn, checked by MolagBallet |
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk to Kasura or to Hinzuur.
- Find and enter the Dragonguard Tomb.
- Talk to Sai Sahan.
- Obtain the grappling bow and complete the course.
- Explore the Dragonguard temples.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Wisdom From The Past[edit]
Speak with Kasura in the area designated by your alliance. If you've completed the main story quest, she'll be happy to see you again. A former student of hers seeks the ancient Dragonguard's knowledge on hunting Dragons. Kasura needs to search for a few tombs; she'd like you to scope out one of them while she takes the other. She gives you a Dragonguard Seal. It will activate three glyphs that will reveal the entrance of the tomb you seek. She needs you to find the tomb at the location she provides you and search for anything that might help her student in their effort against the Dragons ravaging Elsweyr: historical documents, tools, anything.
Kasura's notes are nearby, and provide a succinct explanation of your task. Exit the building and make for the ruins marked on your map.
Honor is Sealed[edit]
Head for the ruins and take care to avoid the hostile spirits. Follow the map markers to reveal the hidden glyphs: To the East is the Glyph of Bravery, the North is the Glyph of Honor, and to the south, the Glyph of Blades. Once all three are revealed, follow the map to a nondescript patch of land nearby. Right before your eyes, a series of glyphs appear on the ground. Select the correct glyphs (Blades, Honor, and Bravery) to activate the hidden Dragonguard Entrance. A trapdoor will appear. Go inside.
An Ancient Map[edit]
Inside the tomb is a single chest, with one item inside: The Wind Scour Sanctuary Map. There is also a gravestone you can read, which will be added to the Lore Library category Mysteries and Clues. It is called the Tombstone of Naio-Bhefeo, and it will be on your left inside the Dragonguard's Tomb as you approach the chest with the map you are there to retrieve. If you don't read it during the quest, it will be inside a house in the Abbey of Blades that you can reach with the grappling bow after the quest has been completed.
Leave the tomb and you'll find Kasura waiting outside with two horses. She'll be the first to greet you. Speak with her. She has already explored her tomb, and recovered a map in doing so.
- "It appears you were as successful as I. Did your tomb contain anything of note?"
- Yes, I found a map to a Dragonguard sanctuary.
- "Interesting. I found a similar map, but to a different location. This might be exactly what my former student was hoping for. Will you come with me to the Abbey of Blades?"
- But wasn't the abbey destroyed by Mannimarco?
- "The damage was largely superficial, though there is still much work to do to fully restore the abbey. My most accomplished student will meet us there. We can give him the maps to both sanctuaries and he can decide on the next course of action."
- You're being rather secretive about this former student.
- "I think it best if my student introduces himself in his own way. Here, you should carry both maps and present them to him yourself. Come, I acquired horses to speed us on our journey."
- Very well. Let's ride to the Abbey of Blades.
Travel on Peri to the Valley.
The Valley of Blades[edit]
After arriving at the Valley, Kasura will lead you to the Abbey. As you approach the Abbey proper, she'll tell you where to meet her former student.
Kasura: "Follow me, warrior. I find the view from this approach most inspiring. Behold, my home and heart. The Abbey of Blades. Many Blademasters earned their titles on these hallowed grounds. My student waits inside. I think he'll be pleased to receive the maps you carry."
Kasura leads you to none other than Sai Sahan. He is pleased to see you again, rising to meet yet another threat to Tamriel. If you chose to sacrifice him in Coldharbour at the conclusion of the Main Quest, there are extra dialogue options that explore how he's still (or once again) alive. Once you finish speaking with Sai, return to Kasura to obtain the grappling bow, an ancient Dragonguard tool. Kasura then challenges you to light a brazier up high on a roof in the abbey. This segment is intended to teach you how to use the grappling bow. Aim your cursor at a grappling point and fire the bow. You will be pulled wherever you fired.
Grapple to the roof of the training hall and light the brazier. Follow the grapple points with your bow until you reach the roof with the brazier in the corner of it. Light the brazier, then jump down to speak with Sai again. He'll tell you of the first place to search for weapons against the Dragon threat: a Dragonguard sanctuary known as Wind Scour Temple.
Wind Scour Temple[edit]
You'll be taken to HoonDing's Watch to find the hidden entrance to the Dragonguard sanctuary. The way is sealed until you light the braziers in the proper order (Ghelin-Brol, Vashu-Pir, Jaiv-Yora, Ettiene Volusus). Light the fires according to their lineage, and a grapple point will appear on the platform. Use your new bow to reach the platform and search the archives for any clues. You'll find a book, Searching for the Horn of Ja'darri, Part 1, in the shelves. Before you find the book you seek, you will find several books that will be added to your inventory as quest items, but they are unreadable. These are: Tales of the Akavari (not Akaviri, even though the description says it is "a book of Akaviri legends that has been handed down through the Dragonguard for generations"), Dragonguard Ranks and Ceremony ("a book that appears to describe Dragonguard ranks and ceremonies for promotion"), and Etiquette for Royal Meetings ("a book advising Dragonguard on how to behave in the presence of royalty"). Once you've found it, speak with Sai Sahan, who notes that the book contains a clue as to where you should go next. If you have finished the main quest in Northern Elsweyr, you will be able to mention your experience using a Dragonhorn there during the dialogue with Sai Sahan. Your next destination is Storm Talon Temple.
Storm Talon Temple[edit]
Storm Talon Temple is located under Aphren's Hold. This sanctuary offers its own unique puzzle: a maze. If you fall, the moat below will catch you. Work your way through the maze, using the grappling points, and finally you will reach the Archives. There you'll find four unreadable books that will be added to your inventory as quest items: "Curse of the Black Beast" (a Dragonguard journal written entirely in the Akaviri language. A small scribble on the cover translates the title), "The Formalities of Dragonguard Correspondence" (various rules and guidelines for how Dragonguard soldiers should write reports), "List of Deceased Dragons" (a list of Dragons defeated by the Dragonguard and the year they were killed. No further information is given), and "Fire Dragons: A Burning Menace" (this charred book is impossible to read, aside from its gilded title). After collecting these, you will find what you came here for: Searching for the Horn of Ja'darri, Part 2. This book will spell out your final destination: Dark Water Temple, located in Eastmarch. Speak with Sai Sahan and prepare for your journey.
Dark Water Temple[edit]
Dark Water Temple is hidden away in Kynesgrove. This is the most challenging of the trials, as the Horn is located across a chasm that cannot be crossed. However, you'll find a letter from Ilend Balbus providing a hint.
- Take the dust of our fallen foe and offer it to the altar. As you walk the path of the Dragonguard, may your steps never falter.
After this, a grapple point appears. Use it and search the urn for the Dragonbone powder. Use the powder on the altar and it will reveal a path across the chasm. Follow it to the final archive. When you arrive at the library, you'll find more books, but still no horn. Search the archives for a hint as to the horn's whereabouts, and you'll find its final resting place in another book, Searching for the Horn of Ja'darri, Part 3. The Dragon Vahlokzin stole the horn and stowed it away in his lair. Speak with Sai Sahan once more, and travel back to the Abbey of Blades.
Speak with Kasura about your findings when you arrive. Afterward, speak once more with Sai Sahan, who will reward you for your efforts and tell you about the next step.
- Originally, Hinzuur gave the quest outside Daggerfall, Davon's Watch and Vulkhel Guard. This was changed with Update 40, moving him to Sentinel.
- Sometimes Sai Sahan won't appear when you need to talk to him after finding all the clues in the Dark Water Temple.
- Log out and log back in should fix this.
Quest Stages[edit]
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.