Online:Culture Clash
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Quick Summary: written by Tib, not checked
Quest Stages: written by Tib, not checked |
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk to Rigurt outside the Alinor Royal Palace.
- Speak to Courtier Vindilween inside the palace.
- Gather the three favors Vindilween required.
- Return to Vindilween.
- Discuss with Rigurt how to convince Vindilween to grant Rigurt the appointment.
- Participate in the meeting between Rigurt and Proxy Queen Alwinarwe.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
The Truce and the Ambassador[edit]
While walking on Alinor's streets, smelling with passion some flower perfumes as you think of your next mission, you may run into a Nord ambassador. Well, to be exact, what looks like an ambassador, but in the Nord way. He's going by the name of Rigurt the Brash. He needs your help to get an audience with the Proxy Queen Alwinarwe and propose a peace truce to end the Three Banners War. He counted on his numerous charms to win the heart of the queen and court but High Elves have too much rules for his likes. He didn't even have the occasion to see the Proxy Queen himself. That's where you come into the picture:
- "The glorious Pact sent Rigurt to bargain with Queen Ayrenn. To use my considerable charms to woo High Elves to talk of peace and an end to the Three Banners War. I even brought gifts to bestow upon the pretty Queen.
But Rigurt has failed. Again." - How did you fail?
- "These tall, skinny Elves, they have so many rules! Did you know Queen Ayrenn isn't even on Summerset? And to get an audience with her Proxy Queen requires some sort of proper introduction.
Vindilween won't let me set foot in the palace without one." - I'll help you figure this out.
- "You would help Rigurt? That makes my heart dance like young ones at a Mara's Day ball!
Speak to Courtier Vindilween and find out how we get one of these proper High Elf introductions. Remember, I brought gifts! That's sure to open a few doors."
Soon enough, you discover those gifts won't open the palace door. Courtier Vindilween isn't exactly happy to hear the savage Nord is still trying to get an audience she'd be happy to refuse:
- "Did I see you with that … that … Nord? You really need to reconsider the company you keep."
- What does Rigurt need to do to secure an audience with the Proxy Queen?
- "An audience with the Proxy Queen? For a Nord? Hmm.
Well, an introduction requires certain documents. A recommendation from the appropriate sapiarch, for example, as well as an audit from the Divine Prosecution. And, perhaps, a small favor for me." - So if we scratch your back, you'll scratch ours.
- "A crude yet accurate analogy.
Get Sapiarch Tandemen to provide a recommendation and Justiciar Rolumdel to give Rigurt a legal writ validating his credentials. Then, as a favor to me, acquire a pair of tickets to thespian Enigma's next performance."
Maybe this time Rigurt's gifts will be useful to gain the sympathy of those important people ?
Sapiarch Tandemen Favor[edit]
You'll find the Sapiarch outside the Alinor Bank and Trust, but he states he doesn't have the time to do whatever you're here for. You have to convince him to write a recommendation:
- "I hope you aren't here about anything important. My schedule is completely full. I couldn't possibly squeeze you in before the Mid Year Mudcrab Festival."
- I need you to write a recommendation for Rigurt, the Nord ambassador.
- "A recommendation? I'll have you know that I don't just throw those together in a slap dash fashion. A recommendation must be researched and carefully considered. I can't be too cautious when it comes to endorsing new arrivals."
- Courtier Vindilween sent us. She suggested you might require a favor.
- "Vindilween? Why didn't you say so?
If you can acquire items of cultural significance from the newcomers—say, something from a Khajiit, a Breton, and an Argonian—I might be persuaded to write a recommendation for Ambassador Rigurt." - I suppose you have a particular Khajiit Breton, and Argonian in mind?
- "As a matter of fact, I do.
The Khajiit's name is Urjurra. Exotic, don't you think? Henri Ondare is the Breton, and the Argonian calls herself Grayscale. Bring me something that belongs to them and reflects their cultures and then we can talk."
Go find the Khajiit, Urjurra, in the center of Rinmawen's Plaza, and tell her about your urgent need to get something which belongs to her culture. You can persuade her to give you her item, or pickpocket her if you fail [verification needed — see talk page]:
- "Does this one regret leaving Elsweyr and making the journey to Summerset? No. For Jone and Jode watch over me and bless me with health and good fortune!
How can Urjurra help you, friend?" - I'm looking for cultural items related to Summerset's newly arrived immigrants.
- "This one brought a few heirlooms with her, whatever could be stuffed in my carry sack. Urjurra has a Khajiit navigation stone, for example. Lets me find my way even in this strange land.
I couldn't part with it, though. It has sentimental value."- [Persuade] Sapiarch Tandemen would be extremely grateful if you let him have your navigation stone.
- "The Sapiarch? Why didn't you say it was for the Sapiarch? Of course Urjurra will let you have this beautiful Khajiit item of cultural significance. As long as it's for the Sapiarch.
Please let him know that this one was happy to comply."
- "The Sapiarch? Why didn't you say it was for the Sapiarch? Of course Urjurra will let you have this beautiful Khajiit item of cultural significance. As long as it's for the Sapiarch.
- There must be some way I can convince you to give me your Khajiit navigation stone.
- "Convince Urjurra? Let me think … no, no way at all. This one's grand-matron carved this stone with her own two paws. Gave it to me on my Naming Day. I couldn't part with it, not for all the gold in Alinor.
Now, leave Urjurra be."
- "Convince Urjurra? Let me think … no, no way at all. This one's grand-matron carved this stone with her own two paws. Gave it to me on my Naming Day. I couldn't part with it, not for all the gold in Alinor.
- [Persuade] Sapiarch Tandemen would be extremely grateful if you let him have your navigation stone.
No matter how you get her navigation stone, you can then find Henri Ondare and find his own personnal item of cultural significance : a turtle clasp. This time, you'll need some gold to persuade him:
- "Not now, friend. I haven't been able to secure work in this city and I fear instead of opportunity, this land of High Elves holds nothing but disappointment for newcomers such as me."
- I'm looking for cultural items related to Summerset's newly arrived immigrants.
- "Are you now? Well, I'm trying to find a job. Looks like we're both going to be disappointed.
On the other hand, I do have this turtle clasp, crafted in the Breton style. I might be persuaded to give it to you—for the right price." - Will this buy me your Breton cultural item? [Leveled gold]
- "It will indeed! Now where did I put that—oh, here it is!
Take it and use it in good health, my friend. It was a pleasure doing business with you!"
- "It will indeed! Now where did I put that—oh, here it is!
- That's too rich for my blood. Any chance you can just give me the item?
- "Any chance I could—? Not on your life, you cheap bastard!
I suggest you walk away. Go find another newcomer to swindle."
- "Any chance I could—? Not on your life, you cheap bastard!
The last newcomer you need to shed of her cultural possessions is Grayscale, an Argonian. She possesses a bowl of aoejee-sakka that she wanted to give to Races-the-Moons, but you don't have the choice and must take it from her. You can do it the rough way or... well, the rough way, since you have to intimidate her:
- "I'm not sure what I expected when I decided to journey to Summerset, but it sure wasn't this. No rest for the weary and always more work to do.
Forgive my lack of manners. Is there something you need?" - I'm looking for cultural items related to Summerset's newly arrived immigrants.
- "Really? Well, I didn't bring much with me. Just my recipes. In fact, I just made a bowl of aojee-sakka for Races-the-Moons. He hasn't tasted it since he left Murkmire. Mentioned he had a craving.
I was about to take it to him in that sack."- I'm willing to pay handsomely for it. Surely you could use the gold out here. [Leveled gold]
- Dialogue ends.
- [Intimidate] Unless you want me to report you to the Divine Prosecution, let me have the aojee-sakka.
- "Threats now? This place gets worse as the days go by.
Very well. Take it. I just hope I prepared it correctly. I'd hate to hear you died eating my aojee-sakka." - Will you give me the aojee-sakka? That seems like a perfect Argonian cultural item.
- "Give you Races' aojee-sakka? I don't think so. It's extremely difficult and time consuming to make, and I promised that bowl to my friend.
You'll just have to find some other Argonian to steal from."
After either way of getting the bowl of aojee-sakka, if talk to her again, she goes back to her usual saying before the quest:
- "I came to Summerset in search of a better life, but all I found was the same old life—just in a different location."
When you've finished gathering the items, you'll find Rigurt talking to the Sapiarch where you first left him : outside the bank. He knew you'd be here as, surprisingly kind enough coming from Vindilween, the Courtier told him who you'd have to impress. He's enjoying himself:
- "Courtier Vindilween was kind enough to tell me who she sent you to perform favors for. I've been sitting here, drinking and having a most pleasant conversation with Sapiarch Tandemen.
Were you able to acquire the items of cultural significance he requested?" - Yes, I acquired items from the Khajiit, Breton, and Argonian just as he asked.
- "You did? That is most excellent, my good friend! But Rigurt has an even better idea! We should also give the Sapiarch one of my gifts. Nothing says culture like a Nord keepsake!
But which one do you think he would like best?" - Maybe the Sapiarch would appreciate your Depressing Stuffed Goat.
- "Hmm. While the stuffed goat has sentimental value, it doesn't quite strike me as the perfect Nord cultural gift for the Sapiarch.
Perhaps you can make another suggestion, my friend."
- "Hmm. While the stuffed goat has sentimental value, it doesn't quite strike me as the perfect Nord cultural gift for the Sapiarch.
- I think Dibella's Bosom Night Favor would make the perfect gift for the Sapiarch.
- "Interesting. The Night Favor depicts a beloved Nord god, it is solid and will last forever, and it might help the Sapiarch if he ever finds a sweet onion. And by sweet onion, Rigurt means a lover.
A perfect choice!" - Let's give the Night Favor and the other cultural items to the Sapiarch.
- "Interesting. The Night Favor depicts a beloved Nord god, it is solid and will last forever, and it might help the Sapiarch if he ever finds a sweet onion. And by sweet onion, Rigurt means a lover.
- Essence of Mammoth might be exactly the right gift for the Sapiarch.
- "Hmm. I think the Sapiarch would like an item with more permanence. Unless he has a sweet onion. Sweet onions love perfume! And by sweet onion, I mean a lover.
No, the Sapiarch doesn't strike me as someone who would appreciate perfume. Try again."
- "Hmm. I think the Sapiarch would like an item with more permanence. Unless he has a sweet onion. Sweet onions love perfume! And by sweet onion, I mean a lover.
Once you've decided to give the Night Favor to the Sapiarch, Rigurt will turn to the elf and make his offer:
- Rigurt the Brash : "Friend Sapiarch! Here are the cultural items you asked for, along with a gift from Rigurt—a Nord Night Favor!"
- Sapiarch Tandemen : "That's everything I wanted, plus an arousing example of Nord erotica. Thank you!"
- Sapiarch Tandemen : "Here's the official letter of recommendation you requested."
With it in your pocket, the first part of the quest is done. Now it is time to pay a visit to Justiciar Rolumdel and try to get his own recommendation.
Justiciar Rolumdel Favor[edit]
He's a little far from Alinor as he resides in the town of Lillandril, just near the Fighters Guild. But a short - or long - walk never get anyone killed. The Justiciar will be a bit tired because of tons of work he has to do:
- Sometimes I wish the criminals and law-breakers would take a holiday. Then the officers of the Divine Prosecution could catch up on our paperwork.
Is there something you need, newcomer?" - I need a writ of authenticity for Ambassador Rigurt of Skyrim.
- "A writ of authenticity for a Nord ambassador? That's a highly unusual request considering that a newcomer is the one making it. The Divine Prosecution requires weeks, sometimes even months, to properly audit diplomatic credentials."
- Courtier Vindilween sent us. She suggested you might require a favor.
- "Vindilween? She loves to engage in the commerce of favors.
Very well. A cup and bowl were stolen from the Alinor Palace. Favorites of the Queen, I'm told. Recover these items and I might be persuaded to issue Rigurt a writ of authenticity." - Any idea who stole the cup and bowl?
- "Ideas? Plenty. Proof? Nothing that would hold up in a court of law. Not yet, anyway.
But I'm more concerned with recovering the items. Stolen goods usually find their way to the pirates in Wasten Coraldale. I'd start my search there if I were you."
There's indeed no reason to start looking for those items somewhere else. As you approach the camp, you see you'll have no choice but to fight them to recover the goods. Find them, grab them, then take your leave and report to the Justiciar who'll be conversing again with your beloved Nord ambassador:
- "Vindilween told me where she sent you. I've been having the most interesting conversation with this Divine Prosecution person here. Did you know the Tall Elves have at least three rules for every possibility?
Oh, did you find the stolen goods?" - I recovered the items stolen from Alinor Palace for Justiciar Rolumdel.
- "Rigurt is so happy he could kiss you! The last time I did that, though, Thane Mera punched me in the nose, so ….
I know! Let's give the good Justiciar one of my Nord keepsakes! Which one do you think he'd like best?" - I think the Depressing Stuffed Goat would make the perfect gift for Justiciar Rolumdel.
- "Interesting. The Stuffed Goat represents stoic bravery and she never breaks any rules. How could she? She's dead! Anyway, she stands for all the same things as the Divine Prosecution.
Yes, I think that's the perfect gift to give to the Justiciar!" - Let's give the Stuffed Goat and the recovered items to Justiciar Rolumdel.
- "Interesting. The Stuffed Goat represents stoic bravery and she never breaks any rules. How could she? She's dead! Anyway, she stands for all the same things as the Divine Prosecution.
- Essence of Mammoth might be exactly the right gift for Justiciar Rolumdel.
- "Hmm. The Justiciar doesn't seem the type to care about how he smells. Essence of Mammoth would be wasted on him.
Perhaps you could make another suggestion, my friend."
- "Hmm. The Justiciar doesn't seem the type to care about how he smells. Essence of Mammoth would be wasted on him.
- Dibella's Bosom Night Favor?
Once you've decided to give the Stuffed Goat to the Justiciar, Rigurt will turn to him and present his gift:
- Rigurt the Brash : "The Nord Cultural Exchange proudly returns the Queen's stolen items! And this Stuffed Goat. It's a Nord treasure!"
- Justiciar Rolumdel : "Remarkable work! I'll grant you that writ of authenticity now."
- Justiciar Rolumdel : "A word of advice. If Vindilween refuses to help, remind her that the Divine Prosecution might remember the incident at the Battlereeve's dinner party."
And with two favors accomplished, there's only one left !
Enigma's Favor[edit]
Enigma lives in Rellenthil, outside the Bathhouse. Good enough for you, she won't have you running to the farther corners of Tamriel to find something valuable and well-guarded but simply wants to find out how to play a Nord battle maiden. And you may have just the right person for that:
- "'Milk drinker. Milk drinker!' Is that really a Nord insult? How benign.
And what do you want? Can't you see I'm trying to rehearse? I always have trouble with the accents of the lesser races." - I need two tickets to your next performance.
- "You need tickets, do you? Well, so does the Sapiarch of Shimmerene, the Navy's High Battlereeve, and the Proxy Queen of Alinor!
Do you know what I need? I need to figure out how to play Hildegrom, Battle Maiden of Skyrim, before the curtain rises!" - Ambassador Rigurt comes from Skyrim. He might be able to help you with that.
- "Ambassador Rigurt? I don't believe I've had the pleasure.
Well, if he can help me find Hildegrom's voice and mannerisms, I'll happily give you two tickets to my next performance."
Once you've decided to give Enigma the Essence of Mammoth, Rigurt will assist her in her performance:
- Rigurt the Brash : "Rigurt has just the thing to make Enigma feel like a Nord. Essence of Mammoth!"
- Enigma : "What a powerful odor! It reminds me of mammoths charging across fields of ice and snow!"
- Rigurt the Brash : "You smell like a proper Nord battle maiden now!"
- Enigma : "The stench! It makes me woozy but also fills me with Nord bravado. How inspiring!"
- Enigma : ""Milk drinker!' That's it! That's the voice! You've earned these tickets, Ambassador Rigurt!"
Blackmailing Courtier Vindilween[edit]
Once you arrive at the palace, head to the Council Chamber and show Vindilween the two writs of recommendation and the tickets for the show, only to be momentarily disappointed:
- "I honestly never expected to see either you or Ambassador Rigurt again. Can I assume this means you acquired the items I specified?"
- Here are the recommendation, the writ, and the tickets you asked for.
- "So I see. I'll just file the documents away for later review and slip those tickets into my bodice for safekeeping.
We should be able to process your request and schedule an appointment for … oh, let's say five weeks from next Morndas." - Five weeks? That's not what we agreed to.
- "You're lucky I'm entertaining the Nord's request at all. Take the appointment and be grateful for this time with the Proxy Queen. I know newcomers who would kill for a meeting sometime this year, let alone in five weeks.
Now, if you don't mind …."
Talk to Rigurt to decide what the two of you should do.
- "Rigurt is so disappointed! How can I negotiate peace if I can't even get an audience with the High Elf Proxy Queen? What a terrible predicament this has turned out to be!
Do you have any brilliant ideas, my friend?" - You could threaten her with the information Justiciar Rolumdel provided. That might work.
- "Of course! Threaten the snooty High Elf with a scandal! High Elves hate scandals, snooty or otherwise. Watch how Rigurt negotiates a difficult situation.
No, better idea. You do it! That way Rigurt gets to be the good Nord. More believable that way."
Let him be the good Nord and blackmail the Courtier, for an immediate result:
- "Back again? You and that Nord are worse than a plague of fellrunners in a field of swamp nettles.
What do you want this time?" - Justiciar Rolumdel suggested I remind you about that incident at the Battlereeve's dinner party.
- "He did what? How dare he! Why, I have a mind to …. No, no. I see how it is. Very well. Tell the ambassador I'm impressed by his ruthless use of rumor and innuendo.
I'll let the Proxy Queen know that Rigurt is her next appointment." - "Rigurt will have his audience with the Proxy Queen, for all the good it will do him.
Now go away and let us never speak of this incident again."
Report back to Rigurt who'll be exicited to meet the Proxy Queen so soon:
- "What happened? Did the threatening words do the trick or is Rigurt in even more trouble with the snooty High Elves now?"
- It worked. Courtier Vindilween has agreed to grant you an immediate audience with the Proxy Queen.
- "She did? I mean, of course she did! Rigurt had every confidence in you!
Thank you, my friend. Take this with the gratitude of the Nord Cultural Exchange. I think you'll like it better than that stinky Essence of Mammoth that I saw you ogling."
The quest end here as you get your reward, Club of the Nord Cultural Exchange and some gold.
The Meeting... Finally[edit]
After completing the quest, Proxy Queen Alwinarwe will enter:
- Courtier Vindilween: "Proxy Queen Alwinarwe, may I present the Nord ambassador, Rigurt the Brash."
- Rigurt the Brash: "Pleased to be seeing your beautiful face, your majesty! Sign the treaty and we can break for dinner, unless you want to be negotiating first."
- Proxy Queen Alwinarwe: "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, ambassador. I'll listen to what you have to say and we'll see where the evening takes us."
- Rigurt the Brash: "As long as the evening includes lots of mead, that sounds fine to me!"
- Proxy Queen Alwinarwe: "Ambassador, I find your Nordish inclinations to be most ... refreshing."
- Rigurt the Brash: "Oh, Rigurt has plenty of inclinations, your majesty!"
- Proxy Queen Alwinarwe: "We look forward to finding out all about your inclinations, Ambassador Rigurt. Come along. The Royal Chef makes a rabbit meatball pie that you'll absolutely devour."
- The Argonian that Grayscale mentions, Races-The-Moon, doesn't exist in Alinor or in the game at all.
- While deciding what to give as a cultural gift from Rigurt - just follow his lead, as he is determined to not allow you to make a wrong choice.
- Originally the only choices to acquire the bowl of aojee-sakka from Grayscale is to either steal it or intimidate her. During the 8.2.0 patch it added a third, jerkless, way of acquiring the bowl with gold.
- Patch note from the forum post by Gina Bruno: "Culture Clash: Added a new, unvoiced response to Grayscale to acquire the cultural item without being forced to be a turbo jerk about it."
- Rigurt won't be there when first reaching Rellenthil and Enigma. ?
- He will appear instantly next to you after getting the objective to refer to him, or if you enter an interior (such as the bathhouse behind Enigma) then come back out.
Quest Stages[edit]
Culture Clash | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
Rigurt asked me to talk to Courtier Vindilween and find out how we go about acquiring a proper introduction to see the Proxy Queen.
Objective: Talk to Courtier Vindilween
I need to get Rigurt a recommendation from Sapiarch Tandemen, a writ of authenticity from Justiciar Rolumdel, and tickets from Enigma to her next performance. Vindilween suggests I use the currency of favors to accomplish these tasks.
Objective: Favor for Sapiarch Tandemen
Objective: Favor for Enigma
Objective: Favor for Justiciar Rolumdel
Objective Hint: Acquire Cultural Objects: 0/3
Objective Hint: Talk to Rigurt the Brash about Sapiarch Tandemen
Objective Hint: Retrieve Stolen Goods: 0/2
Objective Hint: Talk to Rigurt the Brash about Justiciar Rolumdel
Objective Hint: Talk to Rigurt the Brash about Enigma
Now that we acquired the items she asked for, I should return to Alinor and talk to Courtier Vindilween.
Objective: Talk to Courtier Vindilween
Courtier Vindilween gave Rigurt an appointment with the Proxy Queen, but it's a long way off. I should talk to him and see what he wants to do now.
Objective: Talk to Rigurt the Brash
I suggested that we use the information Justiciar Rolumdel provided to convince Vindilween to get Rigurt an immediate audience with the Proxy Queen. Rigurt agreed but suggested the threat would be better coming from me.
Objective: Talk to Courtier Vindilween
Courtier Vindilween finally agreed to allow Rigurt to meet with the Proxy Queen. I should let Rigurt know so he can prepare for the meeting.
Objective: Talk to Rigurt the Brash
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.